Hannover, 01. Januar 2014 | I have spent one month as an intern in Herfurth & Partner in the winter semester 2013. The experience was truly beneficial for me and I can recommend Herfurth & Partner for all young lawyers, especially those who are interested in law in international scope. During my time in the office I had the opportunity to acquaint myself with cases from various fields of law whether it was family law, inheritance law or contract law, all of them with international elements. Through a theoretical task of advising a client in a fictional international sale of goods contract I had a chance to learn about the United Nations Convention for the Sale of Goods. What I see as very valuable is that the atmosphere in the office is very friendly and all of the lawyers are open and willing to discuss their cases and patiently answer any questions. Seeing the everyday work of a law firm and having an opportunity to get engaged is something every young lawyer will benefit from. For me as I have studied law in Czech Republic, internship in a German law firm also gave an opportunity to compare the legal approaches of these countries. All in all I believe that Herfurth & Partner is an ideal environment to work and learn in.

Pavla Meszarosova, Slovakia

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